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Customer Acquisition: The Most Frequently Asked Questions

Written by Baesman | Dec 20, 2022 3:30:00 PM

Customer acquisition is the process of finding new customers for your business. It should be a key focus area for most companies, as acquiring new customers is one of the most effective ways to grow your revenue. However, it can be challenging to figure out how to effectively acquire new customers without wasting money or time on things that won't work for your company. In this article, we'll cover some frequently asked questions about customer acquisition.

How can I find new customers?

One of the best ways to get new customers is by using a variety of different marketing channels, like content marketing, direct mail, email marketing, and social media. You should also use analytics to see what's working for you and which channels are bringing in conversions. Then test new channels until you find what works best for your business.

What are customer acquisition costs?

Customer acquisition cost (CAC) is the amount of money it takes to get a new customer (marketing costs). To calculate CAC, you'll need to know two things: the cost of sales and marketing and how many customers you acquired in a given time period. It's important to consider all costs associated with attracting new customers and not just marketing costs, because you may also incur legal, IT, and other indirect costs when acquiring new customers.

For example, if a company spent $100 on marketing in a year and acquired 100 customers in the same year, their CAC is $1.00.

It's important not to confuse CAC with customer lifetime value (CLV), which is the total amount of revenue that a single customer will bring in over their lifetime with your business.

How do you measure customer acquisition cost and what should it be?

Measuring CAC is a simple calculation. It’s the total amount spent on customer acquisition divided by the number of new customers acquired in that period.

CAC = Total Costs / Number of New Customers Acquired

Image Source: HubSpot

What are the best ways to acquire customers?

There are many ways to acquire customers, including SEO, SEM, and direct mail. Email marketing is also an effective way to attract new leads and keep them engaged with your business. Social media advertising can also be useful if you have a large following on social platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Social media has become a great tool for companies in the 21st century because it allows companies to connect with their audience more than ever before by creating content that resonates with their target market and posting it where that audience is most likely to see it (e.g., Facebook).


How do I effectively retain/engage them?

Customer retention is a key component of customer acquisition. It’s important to retain customers because you can more effectively market to them, as well as achieve higher lifetime value.

So what are the best ways to retain customers?

  1. Keep in contact with them via email or social media. 
  2. Direct mail is one the most effective ways to retain your customers because you can leverage personalization to truly make your customers feel special, instead of sending the same piece of marketing collateral to all your prospects and customers.
  3. Provide a good service and make sure they get the most out of it.

We hope that this blog post has given you some insights into the world of customer acquisition. While it may seem daunting at first, with proper planning and organization, there are a lot of ways for you to grow your company’s customer base. Baesman has a great team of experts that can help you better understand not just your customer data, but how to truly make the most out of your data and analytics to ultimately increase revenue.